One-To-One/Small Group Sessions

Taster sessions

We offer one-hour individual or private group 'taster' sessions which will give you an introduction to mindfulness meditation and an opportunity to experience some of the practices associated with the eight-week mindfulnessindfulness course.

Ed Halliwell is currently offering taster sessions via Zoom at a cost of £70 per person and £95 for two people.

Please contact us for more information or to book a taster session.

One-to-One/Small Group Mindfulness Courses and Mindfulness Mentoring

Ed Halliwell offers the gold-standard 8-week mindfulness course on an individual basis or for a small private group. This usually involves 8x60 minute weekly sessions via Zoom (plus one all-day group retreat) and can be arranged at a time to suit you. The cost is £600 for one person (£70 per session plus £40 for the retreat day), and £800 for two people (£95 per session plus £40 for the retreat day). In-person one-to-one sessions are also possible if you are withing travelling distance of Cuckfield, West Sussex. If you would like in-person sessions or have a group of more than two people, please contact us for prices.

Ed can also provide one-to-one mindfulness mentoring for people experienced with mindfulness on a session-by-session basis at a cost of £70 per hour via Zoom, or £85 per hour in person (including room booking fee).

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